Tuesday, August 21, 2007

May's Birthstone

May's birthstone is the emerald. Emerald is the green version of the mineral Beryl. It was considered to be the talisman of the goddess Venus, and to represent faith, goodness and kindness.

The emerald's name is indirectly derived from the Greek word "smaragdos," a term ambiguously applied to several kinds of green stones. They were worn by royalty in Babylon and Egypt. During the reign of Rameses II, have been found in emerald mines in Egypt. Queen Cleopatra's emeralds were believed to originate from mines in Southern Egypt, near the Red Sea.

Emeralds vary in color from light to deep green. Emerald's precious green color is caused by small amounts of chromium and enhanced by traces of iron. Unlike other beryls, emeralds usually contain inclusions and other flaws. These flaws are not looked on as negative aspects for emerald like they would be for other gemstones. Indeed, these flaws are considered part of the character of the stone and are used to assure the purchaser of a natural stone. The stone can, however, lose its color when heated strongly.

Color is noted next to birth stone name:

Modern Birthstone - Emerald (Green)
Traditional Birthstone - Emerald (Green)
Mystical Birthstone - Sapphire (Blue)
Ayurvedic Birthstone - Agate (Blue or Green)
15th-20th Century Birthstone - Emerald (Green), Agate (Blue or Green)

Other Birthstone (from elsewhere on the internet) - Chrysoprase (Green), Beryl (Green, Blue or Pink)

Emerald has been considered as a "medicinal" stone to soothe strained and tired eyes, just by gazing at a nice green one. Engraved with the image of a frog, it is supposed to help restore peace It is supposed by many to be good for preventing epileptic attacks, stopping bleeding and soothing fears and irritations. It was also believed that laying the emerald on the forehead would break a fever. In "gem elixirs" emerald is supposed to be good for all kinds of digestive problems. It is also said to be of value in immune system deficiencies, and to improve meditation and psychic abilities.

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