Wednesday, August 1, 2007

February Birthstone

The gemstone Amethyst is the Birthstone for February. Amethyst is the purple variety of the mineral quartz and is a popular gemstone. Amethyst can occur as long prismatic crystals that have a six sided pyramid at either end or can form as druzes that are crystalline crusts that only show the pointed terminations. The amethyst symbolizes humor and wit and was reputed to sharpen the mind and intellect.

Color is noted next to birth stone name.

Modern Birthstone - Amethyst (Purple)

Traditional Birthstone - Amethyst (Purple)

Mystical Birthstone - Bloodstone (Dark Green with Red markings)
Ayurvedic Birthstone - Amethyst (Purple)
15th-20th Century Birthstones - Amethyst (Purple), Hyacinth (White, Clear), Pearl (White)
Other Birthstones from the internet - Onyx (Black), Moonstone (White)

The word amethyst comes from the Greek word "amethystos" meaning "not drunk", and was believed to prevent its wearers from intoxication.

According to legend, amethyst originated when Bacchus, the God of Wine, grew angry at mortals. He vowed the next mortal that crossed his path would be eaten by tigers. At that time, a beautiful young maiden named Amethyst was on her way to worship the Goddess Diana. Diana, knowing of Bacchus vow, turned Amethyst into a pillar of colorless quartz to protect her from the tigers. Bacchus, witnessing the miracle, repented and poured wine over Amethyst, staining her purple.

The early Egyptians believed that the amethyst possessed good powers, and placed the stones in the tombs of pharaohs.

Amethysts are very sensitive to heat. When heated to 400 or 500 degrees Celsius, an amethyst's color can change to a brownish-yellow or red. Under some circumstances, the stones can even change to a slightly greenish hue when heated. Heat may even transform an amethyst into a naturally-rare mineral called citrine. But even without the influence of heat an amethyst may fade in colour over time.

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